10:57 PM - hi so i guess its been a minute. I started working fulltime! and also my best friend came to see us for a whole month. so i guess ive been really really preoccupied. work consumes almost all my time and energy right now. and during the colder months my energy is especially low. sorry sweet sweet diary for not updating you in like 4 months :(

all that said work is going pretty well and im glad i actually enjoy what i do, if i didnt it would be really and truly soul crushing. nonetheless i get to feeling really down when i dont have time to spend with my friends, its like my whole purpose for being on this earth. speaking of soul crushing, ive been feeling soooooooooo down on myself again so ive come back here to help remind me who i am and what makes me happy, i enjoyed reading through my old posts again. its so super difficult to conceive of myself and my qualities outside the context of otherssss. being your own person is so so so hard. i think i want to sit here and word vomit more but i have so many stupid chores to do. pokemon legends za looks okay so far, i hope we get a new feraligatr form.... or a mega, either is fine.