2:40 AM - Hello againnnnnnn its nearly 3 am and I have to go to work tomorrow but I really wanted to write about what's running through my head. One of my bestest friends is going to be here visiting us in december and I'mmmmmm still suuuuuper excited and its only october. Primarily we're gonna go and see the new sonic movie but were also hoping to celebrate the winter solstice, go to the aquarium, go to the beach, take him to some of our favorite restruants in town, go to this event thing that one of our favorite voice actors is attending inexplicably??? I'm just so pumped for it to happen I can hardly contain myself suddenly. I also wanna start incorporating pictures into more of my blog posts to give them a little more life, so I've attached the collage my best friend made for me a long time, it's still super crazy important to me.